Expanded Polystyrene Insulation (EPS)

Expanded Polystyrene Insulation (EPS) for External Wall Insulation (EWI)

At EZ External Wall Insulation and Rendering, we offer high-quality Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) insulation solutions, providing unmatched thermal efficiency and protection for solid wall insulation projects.

What is Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Insulation

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a versatile, lightweight, and cost-effective insulation material widely used in construction. Comprising closed-cell foam beads, EPS boasts exceptional insulating properties, contributing significantly to enhancing a building’s energy efficiency.

What are the benefits of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)?

  • It is the cheapest and most widely available insulation material for EWI
  • It has a low environmental impact, as it can be recycled and does not contain harmful substances
  • It is durable and resistant to impact, fire, insects, and rodents
  • It can be finished with a variety of renders and claddings, allowing for different aesthetic options

What are the drawbacks of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)?

  • It has a lower thermal performance than some of the other materials, meaning a thicker layer may be required to achieve the same insulation value
  • It can be affected by UV rays and solvents, which can degrade its quality and appearance over time
  • It can be difficult to install around complex shapes and details, such as windows, doors, and corners
  • It may not be suitable for listed buildings or conservation areas, as it can alter the character and appearance of the original wall

Understanding Expanded Polystyrene Insulation and Technical Details;

  • High thermal performance: EPS insulation has a low thermal conductivity, which means it reduces heat loss and improves energy efficiency. Thermal conductivity, also known as the lambda value (λ-value), measures the rate of heat transfer through a material. The lower the lambda value, the better the insulation performance. Typical thermal conductivity values for EPS insulation are between 0.030 and 0.040 W/m∙K. Thermal resistance, also known as the R-value, measures the thermal resistance of a material per unit of thickness. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation performance. A typical EPS insulation R-value stands at about R4 per inch of thickness.
  • Versatility and flexibility: EPS insulation can be easily cut, shaped, and moulded to fit any design or specification. EPS insulation can be used for various applications, such as cavity walls, floors, roofs, basements, and foundations. EPS insulation can also be combined with different types of finishes, such as render, brick slips, or cladding, to create a variety of aesthetic effects.
  • Durability and stability: EPS insulation is resistant to moisture, mould, insects, and rodents. EPS insulation does not shrink, warp, or deteriorate over time. EPS insulation can withstand high compressive loads and impacts without losing its shape or performance. EPS insulation can also cope with temperature fluctuations and weather conditions, making it suitable for both hot and cold climates.
  • Sustainability and recyclability: EPS insulation is made from natural gas and oil, and is 98% air and 2% polystyrene, making it one of the lightest insulation materials available. EPS insulation has a low embodied energy, which means it consumes less energy during its production, transportation, and installation. EPS insulation is also recyclable and reusable, which reduces waste and environmental impact.

Benefits of EPS Insulation for External Wall Insulation (EWI) Projects:

  • Superior Thermal Performance: EPS insulation significantly improves a building’s thermal efficiency, reducing energy consumption and costs associated with heating and cooling.
  • Durable and Lightweight: As a lightweight material, EPS is easy to handle during installation, yet it offers robustness and durability once in place, contributing to the longevity of the insulation system.
  • Moisture Resistance: EPS insulation is resistant to moisture absorption, maintaining its insulating properties even in damp conditions, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

What are the Other Insulation Materials?

There are many other insulation materials that can be used for External Wall Insulation, such as:

Mineral Wool Insulation

Mineral wool is a fibrous material that is made from natural or synthetic minerals, such as rock, slag, or glass. Mineral wool has a high thermal resistance, similar to EPS, but also has a high acoustic performance, meaning it can reduce noise transmission. Mineral wool is vapour-permeable, like EPS, but also has a high hygroscopicity, meaning it can absorb and release moisture, helping to regulate the humidity of the wall. Mineral wool is flexible and can conform to irregular shapes and details.

Some of the benefits of mineral wool are:

  • It has a high fire resistance, as it does not burn or melt
  • It has a high sound insulation, as it can absorb and dampen noise
  • It has a high breathability, as it can balance the moisture levels of the wall
  • It can be used on historic and traditional buildings, as it can preserve the original appearance and character of the wall

Some of the drawbacks of mineral wool are:

  • It is more expensive and less widely available than EPS
  • It has a higher environmental impact, as it requires more energy and resources to produce and transport
  • It is heavier and more difficult to handle and install than EPS
  • It can be affected by water and wind, which can reduce its thermal and acoustic performance

Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Insulation

PUF is a synthetic foam material that is made from a chemical reaction between polyol and isocyanate. PUF has a very high thermal resistance, meaning it can provide a very effective insulation with a thin layer. PUF is also vapour-impermeable, meaning it can prevent moisture from entering or leaving the wall, creating a sealed and airtight envelope. PUF is rigid and can be sprayed or injected into the wall cavity or onto the wall surface.

Some of the benefits of PUF are:

  • It has the highest thermal performance of all the insulation materials, meaning it can save the most energy and space
  • It has a low thermal conductivity, meaning it can prevent thermal bridges and cold spots
  • It has a high compressive strength, meaning it can resist deformation and damage
  • It can be applied in any shape and form, allowing for a seamless and continuous insulation

Some of the drawbacks of PUF are:

  • It is the most expensive and least available insulation material for EWI
  • It has a high environmental impact, as it is made from non-renewable and toxic substances, and emits greenhouse gases during production and installation
  • It is not breathable, meaning it can trap moisture and cause condensation and rot problems
  • It is not compatible with some of the renders and claddings, which can cause cracking and peeling

Phenolic Resin (K5) Insulation

Phenolic resin is a synthetic foam material that is made from a chemical reaction between phenol and formaldehyde. Phenolic resin has a high thermal resistance, similar to PUF, but also has a high fire resistance, meaning it can withstand high temperatures and flames. Phenolic resin is also vapour-impermeable, like PUF, but also has a low water absorption, meaning it can resist moisture and frost. Phenolic resin is rigid and can be attached to the wall with adhesive or mechanical fixings.

Some of the benefits of phenolic resin are:

  • It has a high thermal and fire performance, meaning it can provide a safe and efficient insulation
  • It has a low water uptake, meaning it can prevent damp and frost damage
  • It has a low thickness, meaning it can minimise the impact on the external dimensions of the wall
  • It can be finished with a range of renders and claddings, allowing for different aesthetic options

Some of the drawbacks of phenolic resin are:

  • It is more expensive and less widely available than EPS and mineral wool
  • It has a high environmental impact, as it is made from non-renewable and toxic substances, and emits formaldehyde during production and installation
  • It is not breathable, meaning it can trap moisture and cause condensation and rot problems
  • It can be affected by UV rays and solvents, which can degrade its quality and appearance over time

Woodfibre Insulation

Woodfibre is a natural and renewable material that is made from wood chips or sawdust that are treated with heat and pressure. Woodfibre has a moderate thermal resistance, lower than EPS and mineral wool, but higher than cork. Woodfibre is also vapour-permeable, like EPS and mineral wool, but also has a high thermal mass, meaning it can store and release heat, helping to stabilise the temperature of the wall. Woodfibre is flexible and can be attached to the wall with adhesive or mechanical fixings.

Some of the benefits of woodfibre are:

  • It is a natural and sustainable material, as it is made from recycled or waste wood, and does not contain harmful substances
  • It has a high thermal mass, meaning it can reduce the fluctuations of temperature and improve the comfort of the building
  • It has a high breathability, meaning it can balance the moisture levels of the wall
  • It can be used on historic and traditional buildings, as it can preserve the original appearance and character of the wall

Some of the drawbacks of woodfibre are:

  • It is more expensive and less widely available than EPS
  • It has a lower thermal performance than some of the other materials, meaning a thicker layer may be required to achieve the same insulation value
  • It is heavier and more difficult to handle and install than EPS
  • It can be affected by water and insects, which can reduce its thermal and acoustic performance

Cork Insulation

Cork is a natural and renewable material that is made from the bark of the cork oak tree. Cork has a low thermal resistance, lower than all the other materials, but also has a low thermal conductivity, meaning it can prevent heat transfer very effectively. Cork is also vapour-permeable, like EPS and mineral wool, but also has a high elasticity, meaning it can adapt to the movements and cracks of the wall. Cork is rigid and can be attached to the wall with adhesive or mechanical fixings.

Some of the benefits of cork are:

  • It is a natural and sustainable material, as it is made from a renewable resource, and does not contain harmful substances
  • It has a low thermal conductivity, meaning it can prevent thermal bridges and cold spots
  • It has a high elasticity, meaning it can accommodate the changes and deformations of the wall
  • It has a high sound insulation, as it can absorb and dampen noise

Some of the drawbacks of cork are:

  • It is the most expensive and least available insulation material for EWI
  • It has the lowest thermal performance of all the insulation materials, meaning it can provide the least energy savings and space
  • It is difficult to cut and shape, and can be damaged by mechanical fixings
  • It can be affected by UV rays and fungi, which can degrade its quality and appearance over time

How to Choose the Best Insulation Material for EWI?

The choice of insulation material for EWI depends on several factors, such as:

  • The thermal performance and energy efficiency requirements of the building
  • The budget and cost-effectiveness of the insulation project
  • The availability and accessibility of the insulation materials
  • The ease and speed of installation and maintenance of the insulation system
  • The aesthetic and architectural preferences of the building owner or occupant
  • The environmental and health impacts of the insulation materials

Based on these factors, EPS is often considered as one of the best insulation materials for EWI, as it offers a high thermal performance, a low cost, a wide availability, an easy installation, and a low environmental impact. However, other insulation materials may also be suitable for EWI, depending on the specific needs and preferences of each project.

Why Choose EZ External Wall Insulation and Rendering for EPS Insulation?

We at EZ External Wall Insulation and Rendering are dedicated to providing top-notch insulation solutions. Our expertise in EPS insulation installation ensures meticulous application and adherence to industry standards, guaranteeing optimal performance and energy savings for your property.

Contact Us

For premium-quality Expanded Polystyrene Insulation solutions and expert external wall insulation services, reach out to EZ External Wall Insulation and Rendering today. Let our experienced team assist you in enhancing your property’s energy efficiency and comfort with our top-tier EPS insulation services.

Trust EZ External Wall Insulation and Rendering for comprehensive insulation solutions tailored to your needs.